Welcome to HealthOne North York, located at 5292 Yonge Street.

In order to book an appointment online, you will need to add a credit card to your file. Your card will not be charged at this time. You will be able to choose a payment method after you attend your appointment.​

Cancellation Reschedule Policy: We require 48 hours’ notice for any cancellations or rescheduling requests. If you miss, cancel, or reschedule an appointment within the 48-hour time frame you will be charged at the following rates: 100% of the treatment price for Rehab/Wellness and Mental Health services. Please contact us at 416-223-6666 Ext #3 or rehabny@healthone.ca if you have any questions.​

Our clinic offers direct billing. Please speak with a member of our team to learn more. We’re excited to support you on your health journey!​


Naturopathic Medicine is a form of holistic healthcare that focuses on addressing all aspects of your well-being. Naturopathic Doctors (ND) consider your mental, physical, and environmental health while creating performing your assessment and creating a treatment plan. Through their work, ND's are able to uncover the root cause of any issues or symptoms you may be experiencing. They encourage y... Read More

Naturopathic Medicine is a form of holistic healthcare that focuses on addressing all aspects of your well-being. Naturopathic Doctors (ND) consider your mental, physical, and environmental health while creating performing your assessment and creating a treatment plan. Through their work, ND's are able to uncover the root cause of any issues or symptoms you may be experiencing. They encourage you to be an active participant in your health journey every step of the way.

Naturopathic Programs & Testing

Our Naturopathic Doctors (ND) at HealthOne offer various programs and tests. Through the use of specialized lab tests, our ND's can uncover the root cause of your health problems and specific information about your health that may often be missed by general practitioners. They will then use this information to create a customized treatment plan to help you heal. One of our specialized offerings... Read More

Our Naturopathic Doctors (ND) at HealthOne offer various programs and tests. Through the use of specialized lab tests, our ND's can uncover the root cause of your health problems and specific information about your health that may often be missed by general practitioners. They will then use this information to create a customized treatment plan to help you heal. One of our specialized offerings is our Gut Health program. We invite you to learn more during a complimentary consultation!​

Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture is an effective treatment offered at HealthOne by our Registered Acupuncturists and Naturopathic Doctor. The procedure involves inserting very fine needles into the skin and can provide a variety of benefits including pain relief, improved overall wellness, and reduced stress. Our practitioners can use acupuncture to help you with anxiety, depression, fertility, digestion, sleep, mu... Read More

Acupuncture is an effective treatment offered at HealthOne by our Registered Acupuncturists and Naturopathic Doctor. The procedure involves inserting very fine needles into the skin and can provide a variety of benefits including pain relief, improved overall wellness, and reduced stress. Our practitioners can use acupuncture to help you with anxiety, depression, fertility, digestion, sleep, muscle tension, and more. It is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine which aims to rebalance energy in the body and mind.

Dr. Yasmin is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who focuses on treating patients through evidence-based medicine. She uses a patient-centred model and takes an individualized approach so each one of her patients can reach optimal health. She uses a variety of modalities including acupuncture, physical medicine techniques, lifestyle modifications (nutrition and physical activity), botanical medicine, and counselling. Specific areas she can support you with include digestive concerns, mental health, hormonal issues, autoimmune disease, endocrine disease, stress management, women’s health, skin conditions, and overall health maintenance. Dr. Yasmin graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine with a Doctor of Naturopathy degree. Before this, she graduated from York University with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. She offers care in English, French, Farsi and Spanish.

Dr. Yasmin is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who focuses on treating patients through evidence-ba... Read More

Dr. El Sheikh is a passionate Naturopathic Doctor who is committed to providing comprehensive care. She has a diverse background and delivers a holistic approach to health by helping patients integrate preventative care strategies and lifestyle modifications. In particular, Dr. El Sheikh enjoys treating patients with skin health concerns and hormonal imbalances, however, she is eager to assist patients experiencing other health concerns as well. In her clinical experience, she has supported patients suffering from stress, fatigue, pain management, digestive issues, mental health challenges, and more. Dr. El Sheikh uses acupuncture, clinical nutrition, manual therapy, botanical medicine, lab tests, and lifestyle counselling to help patients effectively heal from their conditions. She graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and is affiliated with both the Ontario and Canadian Associations of Naturopathic Doctors.

Dr. El Sheikh is a passionate Naturopathic Doctor who is committed to providing comprehensive car... Read More

Zhipei is a Registered Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner (R. TCMP) and Registered Acupuncturist (R. Ac). He graduated from the Guangdong Pharmaceutical University with a Bachelor’s degree in Traditional Chinese Pharmacy in China, then moved to Toronto to continue his TCM journey at Humber College. He has completed six clinical placements in the GTA, giving him 800 hours of hands-on experience. Zhipei’s goal is to help relieve your pain and feel your best. He uses therapies including tui na, cupping, and gua sha. His treatment can help with pain management, anxiety, IBS, PMS, fertility, insomnia, as well as hormonal and autoimmune conditions.

Outside of work, he enjoys hiking, playing basketball, and training at the gym.

Zhipei is a Registered Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner (R. TCMP) and Registered Acupunct... Read More

Dr. Sarah Louie is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine who received her post-graduate degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She has a special interest in the areas of fertility & menstrual health, diabetes/weight management, depression and anxiety management, muscle tension and pain, digestive concerns, joint pain, and improving energy. In her work, Dr. Louie uses various tools to optimize the health of her patients including diet and lifestyle recommendations, stress reduction techniques, strengthening exercises, herbal medicines, supplements, acupuncture, gua sha and cupping therapy. In addition, she offers Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture and uses a safe, gentle approach while providing this type of treatment.

Dr. Louie strives to meet patients where they are at in life and prepares custom treatment plans to meet their needs and help them achieve their goals.

Dr. Sarah Louie is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine who received her post-graduate degree from t... Read More

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